Its no secret, the Red Sox have been hurt all year from Lowell to Ortiz to Drew. Pedroia has been consistent all year hitting in nearly every spot in the order. (Including clean-up over the weekend.) He has been great in the field (6 errors) and good on the base paths (17 SB). He has done everything Francona has asked and kept this line-up going even when people were hurt or slumping or deciding not to play. He has played in 135 of 137 games.
In a year where no one is having an unbelievable offensive year. (Ex. A-rod '07) Why not Pedroia for MVP? By the end of the year Dustin will have similar stats to 2007 NL MVP Jimmy Rollins. He will have a couple of less homers and stolen bases, but could have a batting title and fewer errors. His team looks to be playing October baseball and Dustin plays harder than almost anyone in baseball. With that I say Pedroia for MVP and President. This country needs a third party candidate to shake things up. As I write this the sox are putting a hurting on the O's.
Quentin in Chicago is also doing it for a team that is winning. Hamilton is having a very good season. I think Pedroia and Youklis will split the vote, leaving Quentin with the trophy.
Dustin is also leading the AL in runs scored, by the way. I think it will be a very close vote for MVP. I think being on a winning team should count for something, but not everything. It would be nice for Dustin to win, though. The Sox haven't had an MVP since Mo Vaughn, I think.
well there are a few guys who are in a close race.(Youk, Pedroia, Hamilton, Quentin, Morneau) Let's see who has the stones to make a move in the last month of the season. If the white sox miss the playoffs does quentin still win? does morneau win if the twins get in?
Usually the voters like to give it to someone with power numbers. Jimmy Rollins beat the odds last year, so we'll see. I don't think a player should be nixed automatically if his team misses the playoffs by a bit.
Didn't Rollins hit like 30 home runs last year?
Oh yeah. I guess he did. I just don't think of him as a "power hitter" I suppose. With him, it was more about his body of work as opposed to glamour numbers. On another note, 30 HR's doesn't have the oomph it used to in the 80's say, but it's starting to again as the homerun leaders this year will barely crack 40. This is of course thanks to the steroid crack down.
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