Friday, August 28, 2009

Take a Penny, Leave a Penny

God help us. Brad Penny has been released. He started awful, was decent for a little while, and recently has played like hot garbage. What I don't get is that he asked to be released. Do you have fend off all of the suitors, or is the American League that scary? I for one will will not miss Bulbous Brad. (By the way he's listed at 6'1'' 200 lbs. C'mon! He's easily pushing 3 bills.)

My only question is, now what? Yes, Penny wasn't worth one cent, but who's going to pitch now? I suppose the upside of Tazawa, however small, was more enticing than another 3 inning performance from Penny. Wakefield is still fragile in spite of his successful return outing on Wednesday. Who else ya got? Maybe SS Nick Green can pitch. He did something in his relief appearance last night in a blow out that Penny hardly ever did, pitch two consecutive scoreless innings. Heck, he even touched 90 on the gun!

The Sox finish up their home stand with a series starting tonight against Toronto. This is a classic trap series. It would be very easy to look ahead to next week's games at the Trop against Boston nemesis Tampa Bay. Basically the Sox need to take care of business against the struggling Blue Jays and at least win 2 of 3. This is especially important considering that the Sox have been abysmal against Tampa these past two seasons.

Observation: Muscle bound meathead spotted in Moe's mexican restaurant Wednesday wearing an "I hate Johnny Damon" T-shirt. That was four years ago, brah. You have to get over it and move on with your life. By the looks of your camo fatigue hat and shorts you really hold a serious grudge. Might I suggest counseling. It wasn't even that big a deal to me back then. Essentially, he worked and performed well with one big company and got a better job offer from another big company. That's life.

1 comment:

Brandon said...


This is Brandon Cohen from over at

I am interested in starting the ultimate Yankees blog in which i combine about 15-20 yankees blogs, take posts and put it into one site. Lets say I take one post from lennys yankees blog then the next day i take a post from respect jeters gangsters. Basically like that. I would basically copy your post, paste it onto the blog, then give you full credit for it by at the end of the post writing

*This post was written by (your name) at (your blog with a hyperlink)

Basically this is a pro-con situation. Glass half-full or empty.

Pro: Advertising your blog. More people see your blog. More people see your posts and opinions.

Con: Maybe you don't want to share your yankee love and knowledge?

I would love to hear back from you and see if you are interested in this. It would involve no extra work for you, just extra recognition.

Basically I would use a combination of 20 or 30 blogs and copy the best of the day from each blog (some blogs some days some on others)

If not interested, please add my other blog ( to your blogroll. Also, that is NOT the blog i am currently talking about with the combination.

This is the link to the blog:

PLEASE REPLY: so I can know whos in and whos out and I can tally the # of people I have


P.S. it is very likely i will not see your reply to this comment, so please reply to instead of here...looking foward to it, great blog, also!