For the moment, allow me a deviation into football...
This is where the NFL completely loses me. I still like the games, but I'm over the ostentation, the endless commercials, the know-it-all analysts, the product tie-ins, and the hype. I really need to get DVR, like my friend, Dennis, so I can watch each game in about 30 minutes.
Basically, show the games, and shut the hell up!
Wait a second. Now I've seen everything. Al Michaels got hair plugs during the offseason. Oh, well. At least Madden and his tightly packed nostrils are gone. I love the choice of Chris Collinsworth to replace him. In the balance, I guess no matter what they do, I'm going to watch the games. You win, oh mighty and omnipotent NFL!
It's funny that I said the exact same thing when I first flipped on NBC to see if the game had started. Its a joke, but I guess enough idiots watch it so they make enough money to keep doing it.
Money, money, money... that's all that counts.
Announcement: The college of former players becoming analysts is FULL. The world doesn't need anymore. I am looking at you Tedi Bruschi.
Bruschi has to be more competent than Tony Siragusa. I can't think of anyone worse.
Tivo is the way to go. You can fast forward through punts and kickoffs as well. It will literally cut the game in half. I am surprised as a father of a young child you haven't realized the time saving power of the TIVO yet.
He's right Dan, The DVR saves so much time. A half hour football game, 20 minute sitcoms, it is only ten dollars a month, I would probably pay a hundred.
I know. I gotta make some upgrades starting with getting HD. I'm just a procrastinator I guess.
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