Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Beautiful Day for a Ball Game

There is finally some real baseball to be played today as the Yankees will open their spring training season against the Blue Jays at their place. Pete Abe has the lineup over at his blog. The Yanks wont be on YES until tomorrow when they send Hughes to the mound against the Rays.

All the big boy pitchers are taking their time getting ready for their first starts because the games are starting a little earlier this year because of the WBC. They should start getting into it sometime next week. So let's play some baseball.


Dan said...

PLAY baseball is the operative phrase. I really would prefer not to talk steriods anymore. In fact, right now I am going to make a pledge (that I will most likely break) that I personally will not mention PED's for the duration of the baseball season from here on out. Anyone like to offer any odds on that actually happening?

Dennis said...

You should pick a weekly topic to discuss until the season starts. Could be best rotation one week, best bullpen the next, best infield after that, etc.

Anonymous said...

It's so great watching actual baseball. I don't know about most fans, but that's what I care about the most, not contracts, books or steroids.