This just in from the LA Times.
You can check it on SportsCenter too.
Update: Manny is claiming the positive result is from a prescription he received from his doctor. I'm inclined to not believe any excuse by any player nowadays and I'm sure this wasn't the first time Manny used. I know some players were clean during that era of baseball but this just solidifies the fact that even the best of the best were probably juicing.
At least this takes some heat off of A-Rod as he returns tomorrow. Many of those national media guys will have their hands tied with Manny stories. I'm sure they will still come after him but the more names that come out the more the heat on A-Rod will come down.
Update: Seems like Manny may not have used steroids or HGH but a sexual performance enhancer. I don't know what he would prefer we thought about him: cheater or know. Embarrassing.
All they will do is ask A-Rod about Manny. Anyhow, I don't really care anymore. I think 75-80% of players used something at some point in the last 15 years. The fact that Manny tested positive is just stupid. Anyone at this point should know better. Just don't take anything until you clear it with MLB...not your doctor... MLB.
At some point does the entire country send a bouquet with a card that says "Sorry" to Barry Bonds...
umm no
I heard that he used some type of estrogen treatment for women. It's banned because it's a masking agent. ED treatment would make sense as well, since steriods shrink your dinkie as we all know.
It's not really a masking agent. What happens when you take steroids is your body stops producing its own testosterone. When you stop taking steroids it takes a while for the body to start producing testosterone again. This drug stimulates the body to produce more testosterone faster.
I'm sorry. You're right. I should have read the article before commenting. Some initial report I heard was that it was a masking agent.
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